Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Radiator goes BOOM!

My car never fails me at failing consistently.
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Wake Up Mr.West

Kanye West will never live down what he has created,which is the ego known as himself. The stunt he pulled at the VMA's was no surprise. Of coarse he had to make a scene or else he wouldn't be KanYe West. I understand that he's an idiot and what he did was wrong, I just hate the fact that he's also a damn genius who's music I cannot get enough of. No matter what he does he will always be a legend in his art. We shouldn't be surprised when he does outlandish, ignorant things. I don't really care for Taylor Swift but the girl is very talented and deserves to be where she is. Kanye just doesn't see past himself sometimes. I also think his apologies are weak. But long live the dick!
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New KiD cuDi!

His new album is amazing. At first it seemed very rushed,but after letting it play it has inspired me beyond measure. I look forward to using that inspiration.
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Monday, September 7, 2009


Its been so hard to write music lately and for the life of me i cannot figure out why! i really wish i would regain that drive. Even if its just for a few songs.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

you have to see this video!